13 November 2011

Progress is cool

Who likes progress?
I sure as hell do.

Since my last public update I've done a fair bit.
I've fully completed the Social window.  It will house all chat that isn't OOC or SAY.  It is a self contained window that you can minimise or drag to the side - allowing you to have quick and easy access to whats happening.

On the main page there is a friend chat along-side a Who list (showing all the players currently online). Above that list are 4 filters: All, Village, Guild, Friends. Players will be able to use this to better see what allies they have online.
It is from this page players make arena challenges and manage friends.

On the second page, there is Village Chat. Plain and simple - text box @ the bottom, text feed above it.

The third window is the Guild window.

Much like the village chat there is a big text feed and a text box for it.
However, guild info and verbs are displayed above it. Being part of a guild will now be far less spammy, and far more social.

Lastly is the replacement for the WHISPER system. Now rebranded Private Chat.

It will work essentially the same way. Except players first select the person they want to talk to, and until you choose otherwise, all messages go to that person.
Dont worry, in case you forget who it is - it will be listed on the same page.
There is again, a text feed and text box.
I understand that when you're using WHISPER, you typically end up having chats with one person at a time. Even if that's not the case, this new system is far and away more efficient and easier than ever to PM people.
As always, you can set certain people to be ignored. More on that in the next blog where I discuss the SETTINGS window.
It will also cover how you can setup the ALERTS.  Basically this means you will be able to FULLY customise how,when, or IF the game alerts you to new messages.
I might even allow for "alert me only if my name is mentioned".
Alerts will be audio and visual (or one or the other)

7 November 2011

SoL needs YOU!

What's happening guys?
I have a fairly important announcement/request to make, and it relates to the new skill system in SoL. If you haven't seen that yet, you'll need to check out the video by clicking here.
The things you see me dragging around in the video are what I will be calling SKILLCARDS. What I am asking is: can anyone reading this post please join the effort to update SoL as quickly as possible by creating more SKILLCARDS for the game.
The icons are a total size of 30x30 pixels, including a 3-pixel border.
In order to create an icon I can use for SoL, I ask that you fit your designs on a plain black background, 28x28 pixels, with no border.
It doesn't really matter if you create skillcards that I or someone else has already made. I f they happen to be better (in my opinion), the I will use them.

Please email your submissions to my newly created gmail account for BYOND and YouTube: byond.fps@gmail.com
Please be aware that I don't want my inbox filled with suggestions or bug reports; I will be ignoring such messages at this time. The new SoL is so different to the current one that it would be a waste of all our time to assume it has the same bugs (even though it might sometimes be true).

Please ensure you include your BYOND key in the email. Anyone who sends me a skillcard that gets used in SoL will receive a special gift when they login to the finished product. It will likely be a special weapon or something. And will be permanent.

6 November 2011

Another job jobbed.

Alrighty, it's been a couple of days since I've shared my progress. But I'm pleased to announce I've taken another significant step forward in the creation of the new skin!
I have completed the SOCIAL button/window.
Basically the social window replaces everything except SAY and OOC, when it comes to interacting with other players.

When you click the SOCIAL button, a window appears, with the GENERAL tab pre-selected.
On this tab, there is a WHO list - which you can filter by All, Friends, Village, or Guild.
Above that you can add or remove friends.
On the left side, there is the friend-chat system.

The 2nd tab is the VILLAGE tab.
Very simple. Its got a box to type in and a box for where the text appears.

Third is the GUILD tab.
Here's where players create their guild and intereact with their guild members. It houses the leader's buttons for invites, announce and all the rest.

The fourth tab is replacing the whisper system with PRIVATE chats.
Basically its the same but better laid out and easier to read and use. Its also much faster.

All in all, the social window has been designed to keep you the game moving along at maximum pace, whilst emphasising the pleasure of the social element of SoL.

I'll be uploading a video when I've got the window all pretty and photoshopped :)

3 November 2011

New jutsu system

For the last two days straight I've been toiling away at what seems like problems begetting problems with SoL's new skill system.

Next step is getting the settings window set up; no pun intended.

SoL will boast a glorious amount of settings for players, furthering players' ability to play the game the way THEY want to.

Sauce has a blog

Sooo, uh, this is SPM, creator of Shinobi of Legend on BYOND.
Thought I'd start up a proper blog to catalgue the updates taking place and other things going on that are of note.
Cool story bro!